Thursday, May 20, 2010

just my luck

so monday and tuesday we have had class alllll daaaay looooong! its about a 15 min walk to the school building where we have it. its a near death experience every time we walk there. cars have no speed limit here and they do not swerve out of the way and there r no sidewalks. so this means very close calls!
so monday night we had the loudest storm i have ever heard!!! seriously extreme thunder and lightning and rain. more intense than i have ever experienced! i seriously woke up thinking the world was i woke up my roommate. i leaned over and whispered shannon.... twice thinking she was already awake. she wasnt....but woke up and i asked her if she heard that adn she was responded "I DO NOW!" hahah i was just scared and wanted someone awake with me!
wednesday after class a few of us went into town to do a little shopping and eating. i met up with some greek friends and had coffee which is a huge thing to do here. they have huge coffee places which turn into bars at night where tons of people lounge around on couches all day and talk and drink coffee. its mostly young people. it was pretty nice.
so now for the good stuff. last night i woke up shaking. my body hurt so i couldnt sleep and my throat was so swollen i could hardly breath much less swallow. i seriously thought i was dying. i called our leader sophia and she rushed me to the hospital. first nice thing about greece emergency rooms.... no waiting. second nice thing... it only cost 3 euro. so the doctor looked at me and new right away... tonsillitis. just my luck. i would get sick in greece lol. o well. i had to get an iv which i was not a fan of but it made me feel better almost instantly so that was good. so they whole day i have been sleeping and taking my meds. i feel much better but my throat is still really swollen so its hard to eat anything. hopefully i will feel much better tomorrow. there is a very nice german couple staying at the hotel that we have gotten to know since we have been here. well today we found out that he is a doctor! they have been so nice! he keeps checking on me and she translates lol. tomorrow they are going to take me to the pharmacy to get something for my throat but he said thats its already looking better. she said i should feel pretty good tomorrow so im banking on that. hopefully i can join the group tomorrow who left for a weekend on the other side of the island today. sorry no pictures im just too tired. i hope i can sleep through the night tonight!

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